Revive™ Custom Soft Lenses

A family of custom soft lenses to help you create precise, tailor-made lenses for patients with unique vision demands

Custom lens-fitting process

  • Dual Elliptical Stabilization™ aids in orientation and rotation stability
    • The lens-fitting process allows for a customized soft toric and multifocal toric fit
    • Cylinder: -0.50D to -10.00D in 0.25D steps in 1º increments
  • Adaptive Tri-Zone Technology
    • Provides you with the fine-tuning ability to help accommodate multifocal fits and presbyopia
    • ADD Power: +0.50D to +3.00D in 0.25D steps

Includes custom spherical, multifocal*, toric, and multifocal toric* options

*Available in U.S. only

Revive™ parameters table

Material hioxifilcon D
Diameters 10.0 mm to
16.0 mm
Base curves 6.5 mm to 9.7 mm
Spherical powers +/- 30.00D in 0.25 steps
Cylinder powers -0.50D to -10.00D in 0.25D steps
Axis 1° to 180° in one degree increments
ADD powers +0.50D to +3.00D in 0.25D steps
Customizable near zone 1.8 mm to
3.0 mm

Consultants assist in calculating Rx for you

We’re available to help.